Lazio In Gioco
SUMMARY LIG – Lazio In Gioco Between 2004 and 2011, the consumption of games has grown exponentially (246.3 per cent) and, progressively, games of high profitability and low frequency have replaced games with high frequency and low profitability. It was just the moderate game (high-frequency and low-profitability) that has enrolled its population so much to the game. The Lazio region has predicted, with L.R. August 5, 2013, a set of actions for the enforcement, prevention and reduction of the risk of addiction to GAP (Pathological Gambling), in particular the creation of one-stop information and the creation of a regional counselling centre in support to people and families who are in the position of being unable to resist the urge to play and whose behaviour compromises personal relationships, work and family. 1. LIG – Lazio In Gioco emerges as a set of interventions to support the realization of these information and listening points, which are dedicated to accommodate people with GAP, who are in search of help, and their families, to be guided to the social and health services in the area and participate in activities. The objective of this regional action is, therefore, to intervene in a powerful way to strengthen the structure of a network of regional services capable of promoting a wide social awareness about the Pathological Gambling (GAP) in the territory and give answers to specific questions of knowledge and intervention made by collective subjects (cultural and social centres , senior citizens’ centres, etc.), institutions (schools, municipalities, etc.), by citizens and families on pathological gambling.
NAME OF THE PROJECT Lazio In Gioco - LIG Actions to support the regional plan for the prevention of risks due to "pathological gambling”
RECIPIENTS a) social workers in the social assistance districts of Lazio (public institutions); b) Ser.T. operators and the third sector involved in the regional policy on the GAP; c) social and cultural organizations, unions, local stakeholders, parishes, schools, youth organizations, senior citizens’ centres and workers from casinos and bars.
METHOD OF FINANCING This procedure was issued following the Regional Resolution n. 314/2014 which allocates the sum of € 150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand euros) on the Cap. H41927 regional budget in 2014 for the prevention of risks arising from pathological gambling, through targeted activities, under LR 5/13.
OBJECTIVES To encourage the establishment and implementation of the network of counters of the district funded by the Lazio region through a work of mapping and to set up the system of information already available in several services and projects databases, the creation of a database that makes available the maximum number of data, bridging, in particular, the information gap between the reality of the provinces and the capital. To follow a training and update part that creates a diffuse and homogeneous competence useful for the appropriate management of the counters of the district and, at the same time, promoting regular updates on the phenomenon addressed to the operators of the districts of the Lazio social assistance, and the operators of the third sector and other parties involved in the specific regional policy. The training will make sure that the counters can provide the tools and skills for an initial consultation to the individual cases brought to the attention of the Branches by families and individuals, can build synergy with the local health services dedicated to taking care of the overt disease of GAP and can perform a task of socio cultural activities on the theme of the GAP A handbook will be prepared containing: • Basic procedural indications, for managing telephone inquiries and those that are presented directly at the counter • List of health and social care services, broken down by type and location • List of the entities doing the social and cultural activities concerning the territory • Managing privacy: processing information and consent to the processing of personal data in the ATM/district • Indication to the regional networking • Indication for the scheduling of social contact and animation interventions • Examples of good practices to promote the territories The Handbook will be validated by the experts of the Scientific Committee and the partnership network.
METHODOLOGY OF INTERVENTION The methods used will refer to a participatory and open approach, in order to promote the activation of the subjects of the regional policy on the GAP and other stakeholders, thus helping to give the operators of the Counters of the district not only skills and operational tools, but also a network of already sensitized actors and encourage them to play an active role in the planning of future interventions. Many urban and provincial areas see a profound change in the offerings of entertainment and leisure activities, with an increasingly intrusive number of gambling equipment, which, in some cases, has changed the socio-cultural profile. The mapping will highlight the more problematic realities, indicating the risk that such pervasive offers present. The main methods are: • Research/Action which will have a dynamic reading of the territories, resulting from the mapping work. To this end, the parties involved will be asked to contribute directly to a reading of the phenomenon of the GAP locally in its different aspects. The tools used are the mapping boards, open to the collection of information, multi-level meetings and semi-structured interviews. • An open approach in the management of the training modules and in the construction of the guide, using the method of operation of a group analytically oriented to facilitate the learning of new content through the transformative effects triggered by sharing experiences. This open approach will also be used in the construction of the guide, which will be defined from the systematization of initial information, expanded and increased through the contribution of the same district of the operating counters.
TOOLS AND ACTIVITIES The preliminary work will start from the fine mapping system of information already available in several databases of services and projects, and will be increased, through collaboration with the territorial networks’ bodies of the partnership, bridging, in particular, the information gap between the reality of provinces and the capital. The mapping database will be structured with several search keys to facilitate the usability in relation to different needs. The training will be organized in modules and differentiated in relation to the target: basic modules, aimed at the vast network of people involved in regional policy and territorial stakeholders and multiple operating modules, specifically addressed to the operators of the information counters and guidance, and open to the individuals the policy. Two cycles of seminars will be realized - one for each year. The handbook will be one of the final products. The proposed composition is open, according to a model "wiki", which allows incremental development of content, through the online publication of cards and the acquisition of the contributions resulting from the daily activities of the tellers. This will produce a final product that will be more capable of responding to the needs of operators. The handbook will be validated by the experts of the Scientific Committee and the partnership network. The creation of a project website that will then become the instrument of the one-stop network, which will host the mapping and the handbook, according to the open and incremental approach described above, with practical information on the preparation of the information material for end users, addressed the various parties involved in regional policy, informing about LR # 5/201, on the operational instruments defined by the Lazio region and on the objectives of the network of the regional counters. There will be the realization of a final conference for a further communication policy of the Lazio region regarding the GAP and the activities of the counters and providing leadership to all nodes of the activated social network.
CONTACTS AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCESS The headquarters of the organizational project will be located at the Parsec Social Cooperative, viale Jonio 331, Rome, while the operational headquarters will be made available through the CESV located in: • Rome: Via Liberiana, 17 and via Laurentina, 9a. • Frosinone: Via Pierluigi da Palestrina, 73 • Latina: Viale Pier Luigi Nervi, snc (c/o Centro Commerciale Latinafiori Torre 5 Gigli) • Rieti: Piazzale Enrico Mercatanti, 5 • Viterbo: Via Igino Garbini 29/G
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The project is run by a temporary group composed of the Parsec coop.soc. (the lead agency), the coop. soc. Il Cammino, the PsyPlus association and the AUSER association. The group as a whole responds to the complexity of the project, which should provide not only a specific expertise on pathological gambling, but also a capillary capacity on territorial involvement and experience in the planning and design of interventions and social communication. The Project Manager, in addition to keeping in touch with the client, will ensure the time and proper execution of the project. Each area, mapping, training and the handbook will make use of a working group that will be referred to a coordinator. The whole process will be supported by a Scientific Committee and will make use of a wide network of local and national partners.
EVALUATION The evaluation process - monitoring - will accompany the whole implementation of the project and make possible adjustments in the pipeline, providing useful information for possible improvement or redesign of the intervention in the event of a discrepancy between the original plan and its realization. The evaluation plan will result primarily in a conclusive judgment with respect to the ability of project to reach the intended recipients, integrating, to that effect, with activity monitoring. In addition there will be: - Whether the intervention was effective in terms of achieving the objectives; - Whether it has enabled a wide and stable network with the subjects of the territory. |