Giochi Gocce e Goccetti
Informazione e prevenzione dei comportamenti a rischio e delle dipendenze da alcol, farmaci e gioco d’azzardo patologico
SUMMARY Giochi Gocce e Goccetti is a project aimed at the information and prevention of risk behaviour and of addictions to alcohol, drugs and pathological gambling and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The initiative - which is part of the wider campaign to raise awareness for the prevention of risk behaviour “Depends on you in 2013", promoted by the Lazio region - is managed by the Parsec Cooperative of Rome, with the collaboration of the communications agency Cube Advertising. The project is aimed at people between 35 and 65 years of age. The campaign will also try to bring out the situations of dependency or risk experienced by individuals, by promoting an action of the initial orientation to health and social services of the territory and, subsequently, to take care of the assistance and care facilities.
NAME OF THE PROJECT Giochi Gocce e Goccetti
RECIPIENTS Adults between the ages of 35 and 65 years
METHOD OF FINANCING Funded by: the Lazio region References to the Law: implementation of n.B02926 of 17/05/2012
BRIEF HISTORY The project Giochi Gocce e Goccetti is a continuity of the regional information campaign implemented during 2010 - 2011 in partnership with the Il Cammino Cooperative and finalized for the prevention of risk behaviour and addiction to psychotropic substances. The project called "Trenta Settanta” has reached the whole of the Lazio region, finalizing territorial outputs through the construction of a website and the production of information materials.
OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the project is to prevent and counteract - through a series of innovative activities of communication and awareness - the different forms of addiction among the population of the Lazio region of those aged between 35 and 65 years. The choice made in this project is that of paying special attention to the phenomenon of addiction from "legal drugs" such as alcohol and medication and gambling. This is both in view of the target as the proposal is aimed at the specific styles and the behaviour of the user, both in view of the fact that these are the forms of addiction most emerging in recent years, on which, at times, it is difficult to have updated data. Therefore, up to now, less has been done at the level of public policy, both in terms of sensitization of services and for taking care of the situation. 1. Operational objectives: • to create an awareness campaign over a broad spectrum for addiction prevention and risk behaviours and addressed to the majority of the adults of the Lazio region; • to promote the emergence and awareness of the subjective situations of dependency and/or risk, through targeted and specialized information; • to achieve a part of the first orientation to services and to the resources of the area towards people with addiction problems and/or who are at risk, and, at a later stage, the promotion of taking care of the part of the services and of the resources of the area.
METHODOLOGY OF INTERVENTION The characteristics of the members chosen by the project - that of adults between 35 and 65 years of age - decisively influence the nature of the proposed actions, and impose a number of methodological choices. Among these features, at the least the following should be highlighted: • a wide age range and very diverse habits and lifestyles in themselves are being dealt with; • forms of dependence assume more private forms and unrelated to aggregative dimensions and games; • generally workers, or active persons (eg housewives) are being dealt with. They are, therefore, people who are included in a productive and family circuit, struggling to see themselves as individuals with addiction problems. 1. The method of contact used by the project will take into account all these features and will have to be structured on the basis of them. In particular, it is planned : • the integrated use of a variety of different communication tools that will be possible to cover a wide band of the target group (websites, social networks, awareness days in person, etc.); • an absolute guarantee of anonymity in the context of all the actions of contact and awareness; • testing - as part of the awareness days in person - of events and different contact places: shopping malls, festivals, ad hoc events and events related to the topic of dependency as natural events completely unrelated to this issue, etc; • to promote maximum cooperation with projects funded by the region and directed at raising awareness of the other age groups of the population, in order to check all possible synergies and integration of resources, working actively, providing content and experiences for the definition of homogeneous communication strategies at the regional level; • to check the possibility of agreements with parties that, by their nature, are in contact with people potentially at risk (betting agencies, magazines for gamblers, racecourses, pharmacies, unions, etc.). Such agreements could include the mere distribution of information about the project, or even more structured forms of collaboration.
TOOLS AND ACTIVITIES 1. The actions of contact, communication, information and awareness provided by this project initiative are diversified in the mode and timing: - website, where you can find information on these three forms of dependency and services in the area to which they can be addressed in case of need; - A toll free number 800 189 499, activated from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00 hours, which aims to inform and guide to those services that can respond to the problems associated with the different behaviour of the user; - Many mobile units in all the provinces of the Lazio region, including the capital, to raise awareness and inform citizens - at festivals, exhibitions, various events (on the site you can view the calendar of releases); - A series of seminars and meetings (three for each province and three for Rome centre) to deepen the knowledge of the topics covered: consumption of psychoactive substandes, psychotropics and alcohol, gambling, internet and social networks’ addiction. The seminars are targeted, in addition to the interested public, even to professionals and operators directly involved in the issues addressed from time to time.
NETWORK AND TERRITORY The development of a network aims to : • Making the project an " open intervention”. • Relating recipients with the existing land resources. • Connecting the project to other existing ones (including those funded by other age groups). • Allowing the exchange of good practices.
CONTACTS Toll free number 800 189 499 from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00 hours Email address: Website: Facebook page:
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The project team uses the expertise of professional psychotherapists, psychologists, educators, trainers and experts. It consists of a manager, eight operators and experienced trainers. |